5 Harsh Realities of Making Money in Forex
Harsh Reality 1: Forex is Never Quick and Easy
Most new traders think Forex will be easy.
They see advertisements promising quick and automated riches with a Forex robot or something equally irresistible. They dive right in blind to the dangers and they get hurt.
Harsh Reality 2: Most Systems are Useless
Most traders waste time searching for the perfect trading system.
Harsh Reality 3: Demo Trading Won’t Prepare You For Live Trading
Imagine a mean looking, tattooed biker approaches you. He pulls out a shotgun, points it at your chest and demands your wallet. What would you do? Chances are you would probably hand over your wallet pretty quickly.
Harsh Reality 4: You Need Time
So many websites tell you that you can trade Forex successfully with less than one hour of work per week.
Harsh Reality 5: Adapt or Die
The Forex market is constantly changing. You need to be able to adapt or you will never make it.
5 Harsh Realities of Making Money in Forex
Reviewed by Imad chahir

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